Rosacea and Hives: A Dual Approach to Management from Western and Chinese Medical Perspectives.

(Organ names in Chinese medicine differ from Western medicine’s understanding).​

Rosacea and hives are both skin conditions that can cause discomfort and embarrassment for those who experience them. While Western medicine focuses on treating the symptoms of these conditions with drugs or topical treatments, Chinese medicine takes a holistic approach to managing them by addressing the underlying imbalances in the body.

​In Western medicine, rosacea is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, including UV exposure, stress, and certain foods or drinks. Symptoms of rosacea may include redness, bumps, and swelling on the face. Treatment typically involves topical creams, oral antibiotics, and other medications to manage symptoms.

​Hives, on the other hand, are an allergic reaction that can be triggered by a wide range of factors, including certain foods, medications, and environmental allergens. Symptoms of hives may include raised, itchy welts on the skin. Treatment may involve antihistamines or other medications to manage symptoms and identify and avoid triggers.

​Rosacea and hives are skin conditions that may be managed using a holistic approach in Chinese medicine. The Zang Fu theory, which refers to the Chinese organ theory, is used in Chinese medicine to understand the body’s functioning. The six Zang organs include the liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, heart, and pericardium. Imbalances in the body’s energy, or Qi, can cause rosacea and hives. Factors such as stress, poor diet, and exposure to environmental toxins can cause these imbalances.​

Western medicine treats rosacea symptoms with drugs or topical treatments, while Chinese medicine addresses the underlying imbalances in the body. Similarly, hives treatment focuses on managing symptoms and avoiding triggers, whereas Chinese medicine uses a holistic approach. A complementary approach may be the best option.

Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, and lifestyle changes are used to manage rosacea and hives symptoms by addressing the root cause of imbalances. Herbal remedies such as Long Dan Xie Gan Tang and Xiao Yao San can be used to address liver and gallbladder heat and regulate liver and spleen function, respectively, in simple terms- to cool blood and detoxify the skin of heat and/or damp, nourish the blood and encourage movement of Qi and blood.

Acupuncture may also be applied to regulate the immune system and improve circulation, with point combinations such as LI4 and ST36. Chinese medicine offers several approaches such as Five Elements theory, channel therapy, Qi, and Blood theory, Shan Han Lun, and Wen Bing theories. TUNG acupuncture styles may utilise points such as the “Four Horses” and “SanChaSan”. No treatments are the same, as Chinese medicine treats each person and presentation on their own merit and choice and treatment approach is determined through the Chinese Medicine lens, and hence the individualised in nature.

It is important to note that Chinese medicine does not offer a cure or treatment for rosacea and hives. Instead, it provides an approach to manage symptoms by addressing the underlying imbalances in the body. Patients should seek qualified practitioners to provide personalized treatment plans.


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