Palpitations and Arrhythmia: An Integrated Approach to Management.

(Organ names in Chinese medicine differ from Western medicine’s understanding).​

Palpitations and arrhythmia are common cardiovascular conditions that can cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat, which may be accompanied by dizziness, chest pain, or shortness of breath. In Western medicine, palpitations and arrhythmia are usually diagnosed using electrocardiogram (ECG) and other imaging tests. The treatment approach typically involves medication, lifestyle changes, and in severe cases, surgical procedures. any high risk iissues must be deeply investigated by a western Medical practitioner to ensure that your palpitations and/or Arrhythmias are not life threatening. Once the results are there and Medical interventions are in place to ensure that there are no life threatening conditions involved, it could be beneficial in moving forward with the complementary approach

In Chinese medicine, palpitations and arrhythmia are approached from a holistic perspective, considering the patient’s overall health and well-being. Chinese medicine theory identifies several key concepts and treatment

approaches for palpitations and arrhythmia:

Five Elements: Chinese medicine believes that the human body is composed of five elements – wood, fire, earth, metal, and water – and that each element is associated with specific organs and functions. Palpitations and arrhythmia may be related to imbalances in the heart, liver, or kidney, which are associated with the wood, fire, and water elements respectively.

Channel Therapy: In Chinese medicine, the body is seen as a network of channels or meridians through which energy (Qi) flows. Palpitations and arrhythmia may be caused by blockages or imbalances in the heart and liver channels, which can be treated with acupuncture, acupressure, or herbal remedies.

Qi and Blood: Chinese medicine views palpitations and arrhythmia as a result of imbalances in the flow of Qi and blood in the body. Qi is the vital energy that flows through the body, while blood nourishes the organs and tissues. Treatment may involve herbal remedies that tonify Qi and blood, as well as acupuncture and dietary changes.

Shan Han Lun and Wen Bing: Chinese medicine also considers external factors such as climate, environment, and seasonal changes, which can affect the body’s balance. The Shan Han Lun and Wen Bing theories classify diseases according to the six climatic factors, including wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and summer heat. Palpitations and arrhythmia may be caused by an invasion of external pathogens, which can be treated with herbal remedies that expel the pathogen and restore balance to the body.

Latent Pathogen, Phlegm, Heat, Cold, Wind: According to Chinese medicine, palpitations and arrhythmia may also be caused by internal factors such as phlegm, heat, cold, and wind, which can disrupt the flow of Qi and blood in the body. Treatment may involve herbal remedies that clear phlegm, reduce heat, warm the body, or calm the mind.

While Western medicine offers effective treatments for palpitations and arrhythmia, Chinese medicine offers a complementary approach that can help manage symptoms and improve overall health and well-being. A combined approach that considers both Western and Chinese medical theories may provide a wider understanding of the condition and lead to a more rounded approach to overall health.


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